Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hey All!

Hello, reader(s)! Amanda Rodriguez speaking! ...Typing...yeah...

My brother encouraged me to get a blog and share my theological thoughts (among other things), so I finally created this. Let's see how often I update it...

About Me: I am a college student who is studying to become a Medical Assistant. Only one more year left! (Although, it's only a two-year program)
I like to play the piano (I'm in the church band, the Citadel), although most of the pieces I play are ones you haven't heard.
I also play World of, yeah. I won't be talking about that here, don't worry.
Let's see...I was homeschooled, I have one brother, my parents are still married (although my dad works in NM), and my personality type is IS(N)TJ (equally S and N, depending on my mood). And, for those who know about the enneagram personality tests, I am a 6 with a 5 wing (for those of you who don't know what that means, don't worry. I'll try not to talk about that here, either).

Those who know me know I can have some pretty strong opinions. Didn't know that? We should talk more! Please ignore the fact that I don't talk; just start talking about bible topics or politics and I'll chime right in (depending on the politics).

So...that's all I can think of right now. I will try to post more as things come to mind (though my bro might need to remind me).

I'm taking a leap of faith! Please, let me not land on rocks...and if I do, please let them be covered in moss...